The name Sicheii is a baby boy name. The name Sicheii comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sicheii is: Navajo name meaning ” grandfather.” . Information: Name: SicheiiName meaning: Navajo name meaning ” grandfather.” Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
Boys and boy names, grandfather, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, navajo
The name Sihu is a baby girl name. The name Sihu comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sihu is: Flower (Hopi). Information: Name: SihuName meaning: Flower (Hopi)Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Native American
The name Sik’is is a baby boy name. The name Sik’is comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sik’is is: Navajo name meaning ” friend.” . Information: Name: Sik’isName meaning: Navajo name meaning ” friend.” Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
Boys and boy names, friend, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, navajo
The name Sik’is is a baby boy name. The name Sik’is comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sik’is is: Friend (Navajo). Information: Name: Sik’isName meaning: Friend (Navajo)Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
Boys and boy names, friend, Male names, Masculine names, navajo
The name Sikyahonaw is a baby boy name. The name Sikyahonaw comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sikyahonaw is: Hopi name meaning ” yellow bear.” SIKYATAVO. Information: Name: SikyahonawName meaning: Hopi name meaning ” yellow bear.” SIKYATAVOGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, sikyatavo, yellow
The name Sikyahonaw is a baby boy name. The name Sikyahonaw comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sikyahonaw is: Yellow bear (Hopi). Information: Name: SikyahonawName meaning: Yellow bear (Hopi)Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
The name Sike is a baby boy name. The name Sike comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sike is: Navajo name meaning ” he sits at home.” . Information: Name: SikeName meaning: Navajo name meaning ” he sits at home.” Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: […]
Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, navajo
The name Sike is a baby boy name. The name Sike comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sike is: He sits at home (Navajo). Information: Name: SikeName meaning: He sits at home (Navajo)Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
The name Sikyatavo is a baby boy name. The name Sikyatavo comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sikyatavo is: Yellow rabbit (Hopi). Information: Name: SikyatavoName meaning: Yellow rabbit (Hopi)Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, rabbit, yellow
The name Sinopa is a baby girl name. The name Sinopa comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sinopa is: Fox (Black Foot). Information: Name: SinopaName meaning: Fox (Black Foot)Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Native American
The name Sinopa is a baby girl name. The name Sinopa comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sinopa is: Blackfoot name meaning “fox.” SISIKA. Information: Name: SinopaName meaning: Blackfoot name meaning “fox.” SISIKAGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Native American
blackfoot, Female names, Feminine names, Girls and girl names, meaning, sisika
The name Sisika is a baby girl name. The name Sisika comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Sisika is: Bird. Information: Name: SisikaName meaning: BirdGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Native American