The name Yates is a baby boy name. The name Yates comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yates is: lives by the gates . Information: Name: YatesName meaning: lives by the gates Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, gates, lives, Male names, Masculine names
The name Yates is a baby boy name. The name Yates comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yates is: Lives by the gates. Information: Name: YatesName meaning: Lives by the gatesGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, gates, lives, Male names, Masculine names
The name Yedda is a baby girl name. The name Yedda comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yedda is: Beautiful voice. Information: Name: YeddaName meaning: Beautiful voiceGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
beautiful, Female names, Feminine names, Girls and girl names, voice
The name Yedda is a baby girl name. The name Yedda comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yedda is: beautiful voice . Information: Name: YeddaName meaning: beautiful voice Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
beautiful, Female names, Feminine names, Girls and girl names, voice
The name Yeoman is a baby boy name. The name Yeoman comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yeoman is: Retainer. Information: Name: YeomanName meaning: RetainerGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
The name Yeoman is a baby boy name. The name Yeoman comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yeoman is: retainer . Information: Name: YeomanName meaning: retainer Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
The name Yetta is a baby girl name. The name Yetta comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yetta is: Generous. Information: Name: YettaName meaning: GenerousGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
Female names, Feminine names, generous, Girls and girl names
The name Yetta is a baby girl name. The name Yetta comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yetta is: generous . Information: Name: YettaName meaning: generous Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
Female names, Feminine names, generous, Girls and girl names
The name Yoman is a baby boy name. The name Yoman comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yoman is: Retainer. Information: Name: YomanName meaning: RetainerGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
The name York is a baby boy name. The name York comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name York is: from the bear estate . Information: Name: YorkName meaning: from the bear estate Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
The name York is a baby boy name. The name York comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name York is: From the bear estate. Information: Name: YorkName meaning: From the bear estateGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
The name Yule is a baby boy name. The name Yule comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yule is: Born at Christmas. Information: Name: YuleName meaning: Born at ChristmasGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English