The name Yasmin is a baby girl name. The name Yasmin comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. The meaning of the name Yasmin is: Jasmine flower.. Information: Name: YasminName meaning: Jasmine flower.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Arabian, arabic
Female names, Feminine names, flower, Girls and girl names, jasmine
The name Yasmin is a baby girl name. The name Yasmin comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. The meaning of the name Yasmin is: jasmine . Information: Name: YasminName meaning: jasmine Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Arabian, arabic
The name Yasmina is a baby girl name. The name Yasmina comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. The meaning of the name Yasmina is: Jasmine flower.. Information: Name: YasminaName meaning: Jasmine flower.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Arabian, arabic
Female names, Feminine names, flower, Girls and girl names, jasmine
The name Yasmine is a baby girl name. The name Yasmine comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. The meaning of the name Yasmine is: Jasmine flower.. Information: Name: YasmineName meaning: Jasmine flower.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Arabian, arabic
Female names, Feminine names, flower, Girls and girl names, jasmine
The name Yasuo is a baby boy name. The name Yasuo comes from the Japan, Japanese origin. The meaning of the name Yasuo is: peaceful one . Information: Name: YasuoName meaning: peaceful one Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Japan, Japanese
The name Yateem is a baby boy name. The name Yateem comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. The meaning of the name Yateem is: orphan . Information: Name: YateemName meaning: orphan Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Arabian, arabic
The name Yates is a baby boy name. The name Yates comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yates is: Lives by the gates. Information: Name: YatesName meaning: Lives by the gatesGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, gates, lives, Male names, Masculine names
The name Yates is a baby boy name. The name Yates comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Yates is: lives by the gates . Information: Name: YatesName meaning: lives by the gates Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, gates, lives, Male names, Masculine names
The name Yavin is a baby boy name. The name Yavin comes from the Hebrew origin. The meaning of the name Yavin is: Understanding. Information: Name: YavinName meaning: UnderstandingGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Hebrew
Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, understanding
The name Yavin is a baby boy name. The name Yavin comes from the Hebrew origin. The meaning of the name Yavin is: understanding . Information: Name: YavinName meaning: understanding Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Hebrew
Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, understanding
The name Yavu is a baby boy name. The name Yavu comes from the African, Africa origin. The meaning of the name Yavu is: Lunda of Zaire name. Meaning unknown.. Information: Name: YavuName meaning: Lunda of Zaire name. Meaning unknown.Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: African, Africa
Boys and boy names, lunda, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, unknown, zaire
The name Yayauhqui is a baby boy name. The name Yayauhqui comes from the Nahuatl origin. The meaning of the name Yayauhqui is: unisexual name meaning “black smoking mirror.” . Information: Name: YayauhquiName meaning: unisexual name meaning “black smoking mirror.” Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Nahuatl
black, Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, mirror, smoking, unisexual