The name Tara is a baby girl name. The name Tara comes from the Irish, Ireland origin. The meaning of the name Tara is: Irish/Gaelic name meaning “rocky hill,” or “from the crag of a tower.”Variants include Tarah, Tarra, and Tarrah. TEAMHAIR. Information: Name: TaraName meaning: Irish/Gaelic name meaning “rocky hill,” or “from the crag […]
Female names, Feminine names, Girls and girl names, include, irish/gaelic, meaning, rocky, tarah, tarra, tarrah, teamhair, towervariants
The name Taran is a baby boy name. The name Taran comes from the Celtic, Gaelic origin. The meaning of the name Taran is: meaning unknown . Information: Name: TaranName meaning: meaning unknown Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Celtic, Gaelic
Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, unknown
The name Tara is a baby girl name. The name Tara comes from the Gaelic origin. The meaning of the name Tara is: Irish/Gaelic name meaning “rocky hill,” or “from the crag of a tower.” Variants include Tarah, Tarra, and Tarrah. . Information: Name: TaraName meaning: Irish/Gaelic name meaning “rocky hill,” or “from the crag […]
Female names, Feminine names, Girls and girl names, include, irish/gaelic, meaning, rocky, tarah, tarra, tarrah, tower, variants
The name Tarana is a baby girl name. The name Tarana comes from the African, Africa origin. The meaning of the name Tarana is: Hausa of Nigeria name meaning “born during the day.”. Information: Name: TaranaName meaning: Hausa of Nigeria name meaning “born during the day.”Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: […]
during, Female names, Feminine names, Girls and girl names, hausa, meaning, nigeria
The name Taregan is a baby boy name. The name Taregan comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Taregan is: Algonquin name meaning ” crane.” . Information: Name: TareganName meaning: Algonquin name meaning ” crane.” Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
algonquin, Boys and boy names, crane, Male names, Masculine names, meaning
The name Tariku is a baby boy name. The name Tariku comes from the African, Africa origin. The meaning of the name Tariku is: Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning “the story behind” or “the events surrounding his birth.”. Information: Name: TarikuName meaning: Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning “the story behind” or “the events surrounding his […]
amharic, behind, birth, Boys and boy names, ethiopia, events, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, story, surrounding
The name Tasi is a baby boy name. The name Tasi comes from the Chamoru origin. The meaning of the name Tasi is: Unisexual name meaning “sea or ocean.” . Information: Name: TasiName meaning: Unisexual name meaning “sea or ocean.” Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Chamoru
Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, ocean, unisexual
The name Tasi is a baby girl name. The name Tasi comes from the Chamoru origin. The meaning of the name Tasi is: Unisexual name meaning “sea or ocean.” . Information: Name: TasiName meaning: Unisexual name meaning “sea or ocean.” Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Chamoru
Female names, Feminine names, Girls and girl names, meaning, ocean, unisexual
The name Tasina is a baby girl name. The name Tasina comes from the Chamoru origin. The meaning of the name Tasina is: Unisexual name meaning “his/her sea.”. Information: Name: TasinaName meaning: Unisexual name meaning “his/her sea.”Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Chamoru
/, Female names, Feminine names, Girls and girl names, meaning, unisexual
The name Tasina is a baby boy name. The name Tasina comes from the Chamoru origin. The meaning of the name Tasina is: Unisexual name meaning “his/her sea.” . Information: Name: TasinaName meaning: Unisexual name meaning “his/her sea.” Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Chamoru
/, Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, unisexual
The name Tasunke is a baby boy name. The name Tasunke comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Tasunke is: Dakota name meaning ” horse.” . Information: Name: TasunkeName meaning: Dakota name meaning ” horse.” Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
Boys and boy names, dakota, horse, Male names, Masculine names, meaning