The name Uzumati is a baby boy name. The name Uzumati comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Uzumati is: Bear (Miwok). Information: Name: UzumatiName meaning: Bear (Miwok)Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
The name Uwaine is a baby boy name. The name Uwaine comes from the Arthurian origin. The meaning of the name Uwaine is: meaning unknown . Information: Name: UwaineName meaning: meaning unknown Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Arthurian
Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, unknown
The name Vaden is a baby boy name. The name Vaden comes from the French, France origin. The meaning of the name Vaden is: meaning unknown . Information: Name: VadenName meaning: meaning unknown Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: French, France
Boys and boy names, Male names, Masculine names, meaning, unknown
The name Vachel is a baby boy name. The name Vachel comes from the French, France origin. The meaning of the name Vachel is: little cow . Information: Name: VachelName meaning: little cow Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: French, France
The name Vachel is a baby boy name. The name Vachel comes from the French, France origin. The meaning of the name Vachel is: Little cow. Information: Name: VachelName meaning: Little cowGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: French, France
The name Uzziel is a baby boy name. The name Uzziel comes from the Hebrew origin. The meaning of the name Uzziel is: God is mighty . Information: Name: UzzielName meaning: God is mighty Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Hebrew
The name Vail is a baby boy name. The name Vail comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Vail is: lives in the valley . Information: Name: VailName meaning: lives in the valley Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, lives, Male names, Masculine names, valley
The name Vail is a baby boy name. The name Vail comes from the French, France origin. The meaning of the name Vail is: From the vale. Information: Name: VailName meaning: From the valeGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: French, France
The name Vail is a baby boy name. The name Vail comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Vail is: Lives in the valley. Information: Name: VailName meaning: Lives in the valleyGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, lives, Male names, Masculine names, valley
The name Vaive Atoish is a baby boy name. The name Vaive Atoish comes from the Native American origin. The meaning of the name Vaive Atoish is: Alights on the cloud (Cheyenne). Information: Name: Vaive AtoishName meaning: Alights on the cloud (Cheyenne)Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Native American
alights, Boys and boy names, cheyenne, cloud, Male names, Masculine names
The name Vaino is a baby boy name. The name Vaino comes from the Finnish, Finland origin. The meaning of the name Vaino is: legend name . Information: Name: VainoName meaning: legend name Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Finnish, Finland
The name Vail, Vayle is a baby boy name. The name Vail, Vayle comes from the French, France origin. The meaning of the name Vail, Vayle is: from the vale . Information: Name: Vail, VayleName meaning: from the vale Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: French, France