The name Stanley is a baby boy name. The name Stanley comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Stanley is: Lives by the stony grove. Information: Name: StanleyName meaning: Lives by the stony groveGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, grove, lives, Male names, Masculine names, stony
The name Stanly is a baby boy name. The name Stanly comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Stanly is: Lives by the stony grove. Information: Name: StanlyName meaning: Lives by the stony groveGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, grove, lives, Male names, Masculine names, stony
The name Stanley is a baby boy name. The name Stanley comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Stanley is: lives by the stony grove . Information: Name: StanleyName meaning: lives by the stony grove Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, grove, lives, Male names, Masculine names, stony
The name Stanweg is a baby boy name. The name Stanweg comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Stanweg is: Lives by the stony road. Information: Name: StanwegName meaning: Lives by the stony roadGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, lives, Male names, Masculine names, stony
The name Stanway is a baby boy name. The name Stanway comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Stanway is: lives by the stony road . Information: Name: StanwayName meaning: lives by the stony road Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, lives, Male names, Masculine names, stony
The name Stanway is a baby boy name. The name Stanway comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Stanway is: Lives by the stony road. Information: Name: StanwayName meaning: Lives by the stony roadGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, lives, Male names, Masculine names, stony
The name Ten Eych is a baby boy name. The name Ten Eych comes from the Dutch, Holland origin. The meaning of the name Ten Eych is: lives at the oak . Information: Name: Ten EychName meaning: lives at the oak Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Dutch, Holland
The name Ter Heide is a baby boy name. The name Ter Heide comes from the Dutch, Holland origin. The meaning of the name Ter Heide is: lives at the heath . Information: Name: Ter HeideName meaning: lives at the heath Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Dutch, Holland
Boys and boy names, heath, lives, Male names, Masculine names
The name Torrey is a baby boy name. The name Torrey comes from the Celtic, Gaelic origin. The meaning of the name Torrey is: Lives by the tower. Information: Name: TorreyName meaning: Lives by the towerGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Celtic, Gaelic
Boys and boy names, lives, Male names, Masculine names, tower
The name Torrey is a baby boy name. The name Torrey comes from the Celtic, Gaelic origin. The meaning of the name Torrey is: lives by the tower . Information: Name: TorreyName meaning: lives by the tower Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Celtic, Gaelic
Boys and boy names, lives, Male names, Masculine names, tower
The name Tory is a baby boy name. The name Tory comes from the Celtic, Gaelic origin. The meaning of the name Tory is: Lives by the tower. Information: Name: ToryName meaning: Lives by the towerGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Celtic, Gaelic
Boys and boy names, lives, Male names, Masculine names, tower
The name Twitchell is a baby boy name. The name Twitchell comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Twitchell is: lives on a narrow passage . Information: Name: TwitchellName meaning: lives on a narrow passage Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
Boys and boy names, lives, Male names, Masculine names, narrow, passage