Baby names meaning Boys and boy names - Page 89

Egyptian, Egypt cool names


2 May , 2015  

The name Shu is a baby boy name. The name Shu comes from the Egyptian, Egypt origin. The meaning of the name Shu is: myth name (air) . Information: Name: ShuName meaning: myth name (air) Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Egyptian, Egypt

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Sanskrit cool names


2 May , 2015  

The name Shreyas is a baby boy name. The name Shreyas comes from the Sanskrit origin. The meaning of the name Shreyas is: . Information: Name: ShreyasName meaning: Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Sanskrit

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Yiddish cool names


2 May , 2015  

The name Shraga is a baby boy name. The name Shraga comes from the Yiddish origin. The meaning of the name Shraga is: light or candle TEVEL. Information: Name: ShragaName meaning: light or candle TEVELGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Yiddish

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Arabian, arabic cool names


31 Dec , 2014  

The name Shunnar is a baby boy name. The name Shunnar comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. The meaning of the name Shunnar is: bird . Information: Name: ShunnarName meaning: bird Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Arabian, arabic

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Arabian, arabic cool names


31 Dec , 2014  

The name Shunnar is a baby boy name. The name Shunnar comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. The meaning of the name Shunnar is: Bird. Information: Name: ShunnarName meaning: BirdGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Arabian, arabic

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Vietnamese, Vietnam cool names


31 Dec , 2014  

The name Si is a baby boy name. The name Si comes from the Vietnamese, Vietnam origin. The meaning of the name Si is: being a gentleman . Information: Name: SiName meaning: being a gentleman Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Vietnamese, Vietnam

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India, indian cool names


31 Dec , 2014  

The name Shyam is a baby boy name. The name Shyam comes from the India, indian origin. The meaning of the name Shyam is: dusky SKANDA. Information: Name: ShyamName meaning: dusky SKANDAGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: India, indian

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Anglo, Saxon cool names


31 Dec , 2014  

The name Sibley is a baby boy name. The name Sibley comes from the Anglo, Saxon origin. The meaning of the name Sibley is: friendly . Information: Name: SibleyName meaning: friendly Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Anglo, Saxon

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American cool names, Puerto Rican cool names

Los 10 nombres más populares de bebés en Puerto Rico del 2013

20 Nov , 2014   Video

Recién llegados, la lista de la Administración del Seguro Social con los 10 nombres más populares de bebes en Puerto Rico para el 2013.

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American cool names

Most Popular Baby Names for 2012

20 Nov , 2014   Video

Social Security Announces Most Popular Baby Names for 2012 . This year’s winners for biggest jump in popularity in the Top 500 are Major and Arya.

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American cool names, Puerto Rican cool names

Los 10 Nombres Más Populares de Bebés del 2012 en Puerto Rico

20 Nov , 2014   Video

Nuestra lista de Los 10 Nombres Más Populares de Bebés del 2012 en Puerto Rico ya está aquí. ¿Está el nombre de su bebé en la lista? Qué tal el nombre de usted, ¿es uno de los más populares? Vea más información sobre los nombres más populares en.

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American cool names

Top Ten Baby Names for 2013

20 Nov , 2014   Video

The Social Security Administration’s top ten baby names for 2013.

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