The name Valeriu is a baby boy name. The name Valeriu comes from the Romanian, Romania origin. The meaning of the name Valeriu is: strong; healthy . Information: Name: ValeriuName meaning: strong; healthy Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Romanian, Romania
Boys and boy names, healthy, Male names, Masculine names, strong
The name Valentino is a baby boy name. The name Valentino comes from the Italian, Italy origin. The meaning of the name Valentino is: . Information: Name: ValentinoName meaning: Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Italian, Italy
The name Valentine is a baby boy name. The name Valentine comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Valentine is: Strong. Variant of Valentinus: the name of more than 50 saints and three Roman emperors.. Information: Name: ValentineName meaning: Strong. Variant of Valentinus: the name of more than 50 saints and three […]
50, Boys and boy names, emperors, Male names, Masculine names, roman, saints, strong, three, valentinus, variant
The name Vallis is a baby boy name. The name Vallis comes from the French, France origin. The meaning of the name Vallis is: A Welshman. Information: Name: VallisName meaning: A WelshmanGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: French, France
The name Vallen is a baby boy name. The name Vallen comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Vallen is: Strong. Variant of Valentinus: the name of more than 50 saints and three Roman emperors.. Information: Name: VallenName meaning: Strong. Variant of Valentinus: the name of more than 50 saints and three […]
50, Boys and boy names, emperors, Male names, Masculine names, roman, saints, strong, three, valentinus, variant
The name Valkoinen is a baby boy name. The name Valkoinen comes from the Finnish, Finland origin. The meaning of the name Valkoinen is: white . Information: Name: ValkoinenName meaning: white Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Finnish, Finland
The name Valiant is a baby boy name. The name Valiant comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Valiant is: brave . Information: Name: ValiantName meaning: brave Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
The name Valiant is a baby boy name. The name Valiant comes from the French, France origin. The meaning of the name Valiant is: brave . Information: Name: ValiantName meaning: brave Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: French, France
The name Valiant is a baby boy name. The name Valiant comes from the English origin. The meaning of the name Valiant is: Brave. Information: Name: ValiantName meaning: BraveGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: English
The name Vallis is a baby boy name. The name Vallis comes from the French, France origin. The meaning of the name Vallis is: a Welshman . Information: Name: VallisName meaning: a Welshman Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: French, France
Vietnamese, Vietnam cool names
The name Van is a baby boy name. The name Van comes from the Vietnamese, Vietnam origin. The meaning of the name Van is: traditional middle name to indicate a boy. . Information: Name: VanName meaning: traditional middle name to indicate a boy. Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: Vietnamese, Vietnam
Boys and boy names, indicate, Male names, Masculine names, middle, traditional
The name Vallois is a baby boy name. The name Vallois comes from the French, France origin. The meaning of the name Vallois is: A Welshman. Information: Name: ValloisName meaning: A WelshmanGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin of name: French, France